Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rewind of The Days

As im writing this seriously getting a hell lot of furious flashbacks of the years gone by.
It seems only yesterday that on 26/7 2005 (yes that day) i enrolled at SPIT... and now as its the day to leave i really cant imagine how days are going to be like.
But the strange irony of the things is that in the last semester there was no time to think about the momentous stage in our lifes that we were on ....and really hasnt sunk in that those days are really over....

Some times i say the days are 'finally' over...all the fabled submissions, vivas, PLs and semester examinations are done with...But are they really? 'finally' ?
Looking back i realise that these- like the zillion others in this microcosm of things- have passed their lifetime; giving the owners opportunities and freedom in the guise of being bound to a really periodic monotonous schedule.
Is it this that makes 'finally' really very unnecessary?

While i further ponder over the philosopical nature of these days and the (un)importance of using the word 'finally' .... i look at the suvenir from SPIT ( yes a green coloured mug inscribed with Sardar Patel Inst of Tech, The Class of 2009) resting rock solid on my mantlepiece.
I would like to share with you a wierd alternate/additional tagline that struck me in the 'Rewind of The Days'

" A cup full of spit"

(As usual the pun and the yucky feeling it generates is totally unintended)


  1. hey shanta...."bhari"ly written....u r gettin philosophical....v can get a book authored by u netime now...mayb v ll hav madhavi ma'am researchin ur writin...Yes, life sure is something to ponder about how,why events take some events make other events this time that v are having rite now....wat would it b w/o the 4 yrs that hav gone by?

  2. thanx...but its general research and all on this nonsense !
