Last week i went to shop
and now that i stop-
and think, i wonder how it waz.
And hence this ode
to the fare on linking road.
Where; along the crowded street,
jostle many a thousand feet-
getting the trendiest of their wares.
The variety of the goods
catches even the reluctant's mood,
and with everyone in the groove;
its very difficult even to move.
Loaded till ones heart's content
begins the time worth every cent-
cauz its no use later to repent
on the prices spent;
Fickel as the stock market.
Both drive a hard bargain,
but in the end it has to be everybody's gain.
after loads of haggling
You cant avoid smirking,
But the keen eye catches-
even the shopkeeper smirking.
This takes me dear
to the point i think u'll fear.....
If both are happy with the deal,
How much were the articles actually worth?
my mind still beats,
asking- are they all cheats??